World People Solutions

Based in the cosmopolitan metropolis of New Delhi, World People Solutions (WPS) Pvt Ltd is a prominent player in the fields of ethical hiring and global workforce supply. Our specialist services that serve the GCC and Europe demonstrate our dedication to closing the skills gap. At WPS, we take great satisfaction in finding both white-collar and blue-collar workers in a variety of sectors to support the expansion and success of our companies.

Sustained economic growth is significantly hampered by the lack of trained labor in the dynamic global corporate environment. A shortage of skilled laborers may cause disruptions in different nations and industries, which could impede global progress. Realizing this significant obstacle, World People Solutions Pvt. Ltd. stands out as a trailblazer, Our unwavering dedication to quality, together with our broad talent pool and unmatched geographic reach, establishes us as leaders in the global personnel supply sector.

Our Partners

We provide our clients a distinct advantage in locating top people and maintaining an edge in the ever-changing human resources market thanks to our strong partnerships with key industry players and our strategic recruitment solutions.

International Manpower Recruitment Solutions

From skillеd professionals in oil & gas, construction, and facility management to bluе-collar еxpеrts in shipping and logistics, our global reach еnsurеs sеamlеss opеrations. Trust our customized hiring solutions, from managеmеnt positions to skillеd tеchnicians, dеlivеring еxcеllеncе across GCC countriеs, Europe, and bеyond.

What you should expect from us?

Our services are specifically designed to provide industries with a client-focused recruitment experience. We carefully choose applicants for a variety of positions, including those involving plumbing, driving, technicians, HVAC specialists, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, and electrical engineers. Regardless of the type of project—oil and gas, power plants, refineries, construction, offshore, onshore, or EPC—we tailor our services to your unique needs. 

A uniform hiring procedure is anticipated for all Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, and the rest of the GCC. Our services are available for covering shipping employment and opportunities in Europe and India, including important cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

International Manpower Solutions

With our headquarters in New Delhi, we are leaders in the recruitment of ethical candidates, specializing in highly qualified workers for the GCC and Europe. At WPS, we bridge the skills gap by locating both blue-collar and white-collar talent from a variety of industries, including construction, facilities management, and oil and gas. Count on WPS to deliver the appropriate talent for your worldwide success.

We provide Manpower Recruitment Services

We are World People Solutions’ (WPS) committed partner in offering comprehensive workforce recruitment services. Whether you’re looking for skilled professionals in the construction, oil and gas, facility management, or other industries, we guarantee a meticulous process. 

Every facet of recruitment is handled by our team, from talent sourcing to customized interviews, technical trade testing, and managing government regulations. For dependable, customized manpower recruitment services that address your industry-specific requirements, count on us.

Recruitment Network

We’ve an extensive recruitment network spanning several industries and regions. As we expand our global presence, we deliberately source elite talent for pivotal roles across many industries. We can customize our recruitment strategies to match the unique needs of our clients because our network ensures a large pool of qualified candidates. 

Our recruitment team provides a strong basis for connecting businesses with qualified professionals globally, thanks to its dedication to excellence and emphasis on ethical recruiting procedures.